Step 1
Watch the news every morning and evening for announcements of DUI checkpoints. Since law enforcement agencies are required to disclose the location of sobriety roadblocks prior to the event, news stations will often report them for your convenience.
Step 2
Read the daily newspaper for your city or town. There might be a section in the local section dedicated to DUI checkpoints, or they could be in another section altogether. You can also look for them under alternative names, such as "DWI Checkpoints" or "DWI Roadblocks".
Step 3
Visit websites that are dedicated to informing the public about DUI checkpoints, such as the Road Block Registry (see Resources below). These websites will give you advance notice of sobriety roadblocks, including the intersection at which they will be conducted, the date and the time.
Step 4
Call your local law enforcement agency to find out when upcoming DUI checkpoints are scheduled. They may or may not release this information, and they may have no plans for sobriety roadblocks, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
Step 5
Look for lots of flashing police car lights when you are driving between 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. These are the hours during which officers are most likely to set up DUI checkpoints because the bars are open and because most people are not at work. p 5
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The next Aamir Khan film 'Peepli Live' starring Raghuvir Yadav, is for
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15 years ago
There might be a section in the local section dedicated to DUI checkpoints, or they could be in another section altogether.
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