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Sunday, September 6, 2009

DUI/DWI Auto Accidents

Arizona Personal Injury Lawyers for DUI/DWI Car Accidents

Driving under the influence (DUI), also called driving while intoxicated (DWI), drunk driving, or drinking and driving, has received increased attention over the past few years. In Arizona and nationwide, DUI/DWI laws have become stricter, as governments have realized how dangerous drunk driving is. These stricter laws have made punishment more severe and lowered the blood-alcohol content (BAC) level necessary to create a presumption that a person was driving under the influence.

In 2006, there were 13,470 fatalities in crashes involving alcohol-impaired drivers. This accounted for 32% of all fatal crashes. It is estimated that 3 in 10 people will be involved in a DUI-related accident in their lifetimes.

If you have been injured or someone you love has been killed by a drunk driver, we can help. Solomon and Relihan are Phoenix injury attorneys with 30 years of experience helping accident victims in Maricopa County and throughout Arizona.

Causes of DUI Accidents

Though DUI is commonly associated with alcohol, it can refer to any type of impairment. This includes illegal drugs, prescription drugs, and even over-the-counter medications.

Additionally, in a DUI-related collision, the impaired driver may not be the only one at fault. Others who may have contributed to the driver's impairment, such as a bar which served the intoxicated driver, may also be held responsible. That is why Solomon and Relihan begins every case with a thorough investigation of the facts and law involved to identify all possible causes of the accident and the injuries you have suffered.

Signs of DUI

Impaired drivers are very dangerous, and you should be on the lookout for them in order to protect yourself and your passengers. Here are some signs that a driver is under the influence of drugs or alcohol:

  • Making extremely wide turns
  • Straddling lanes or lane markers
  • Passing too closely or almost striking another object or vehicle
  • Weaving and drifting
  • Swerving or turning abruptly or illegally
  • Driving on the wrong side of the road or on the shoulder
  • Driving 10 mph or more below the posted speed limit
  • Following other cars too closely
  • Braking erratically or stopping at green lights or other inappropriate places
  • Slow response or failure to observe traffic signals
  • Turn signals are inconsistent with driving actions
  • Accelerating or decelerating rapidly
  • Driving without headlights

1 comment:

  1. Driving under the influence of alcohol is regarded being a major offence in most regions of the globe. Charged with DUI may finish in suspension of the driving license and may also inherit large fines with prison term. Therefore, the best method to manage the DUI scenario is by choosing DUI Lawyers. However to hire one you ought to know about the information of DUI Lawyers in your vicinity. One particular web site where you are able to obtain the data is


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