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Tuesday, September 1, 2009

First Offense Impaired to the Slightest Degree or BAC above .080

Jail: Range of 10 to 180 days in jail. Minimum of 10 consecutive days in jail. The court may suspend 9 of the 10 days if you agree to get an alcohol and/or drug evaluation, and submit to treatment.

Fines & Costs:
Aproximatey $1,800.00, plus jail costs. The more jail time that is imposed, the greater the cost.
The MVD will suspend your drivers' license for 90 days. You may be elibible for a work/school permit after the first 30 days of the suspension.
If convicted you must get a substance abuse evaluation and comply with any recommendation or be subject to additional jail time.
You may be placed on probation for up to five years.
Community Service:
The court may order you to perform community service in addition to any other penalty imposed.
MADD Victims' Impact Panel:
The court may order you to attend one or more sessions of the Mothers Against Drunk Driving Victims Impact Panel.
Ignition Interlock Device:
Required for 12 months.


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