Sacramento, CA - After reporting on the latest outrageous Sacramento DUI case issued by the California Court of Appeals this week, a case that involved a very drunk woman, we found it telling that, according to the Sacrament Bee, female DUI arrests are on the rise.
Although men still account for more DUI arrests than women, the number of female arrestees has been climbing at an alarming rate in recent years. It is interesting to note that the age group with the highest representation amongst arrested female drivers in the Sacrament area (by far) is the 21-30 year old bracket. Statewide, that age bracket represented 43 percent of all DUI arrests in 2007.
Still, in 2008, women represented only 23.7 percent of the total DUI charges filed in Sacramento. But those numbers mean little when compared with the very real damage that female drunk drivers are doing. The Bee's story gives some recent examples of 4 people who have died at the hands of female drunk drivers.
Driving under the influence of alcohol consumption is considered to be one of the severe offences all over the globe. Most of the countries have severe consequence for this kind of criminal offence, as when drunk and driving it might end up in accidents that hurts other individuals too. Just in case when one is booked for drunken drive, the best, the person can do would be to get
ReplyDeleteDUI Lawyers to protect him.