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Friday, August 7, 2009

FSU football player settles Tallahassee DUI case

Tallahassee, FL - In April of this year, the Tallahassee Police Department initiated a traffic stop at 4:30 a.m., on a 2008 white Nissan for driving without headlights. The driver, FSU wide receiver Rod Owens, allegedly exhibited signs of intoxication. The arresting officer brought Owens to the Leon County Jail for suspicion of driving under the influence. Owens blew a .155 breathalyzer test; almost double the Florida legal limit of .08. He faced criminal charges of DUI and the risk of losing his football scholarship to Florida State University. On Wednesday afternoon Owens settled the Court case against him.

Leon County court records reveal that Owens entered into an agreement with the State and plead no contest to the charge of DUI. He will be sentenced to 50 hours of community service, 6 months of court monitored probation and lose his driving privileges for a period of 6 months. This is the minimum sentence for a first time DUI offender pursuant to Florida statute. He also has the option to request early termination of his probation, if all other conditions of his sentence have been satisfied.

Florida State University had suspended the player after the charges became public last spring. No additional punishment has yet been issued by the university. Owens is using this experience to educate his peers on the importance of making good choices. He is scheduled to speak at area high schools, groups at FSU and FAU. Owens is being publicly applauded for accepting personal responsibility for his negative actions.

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