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Friday, July 31, 2009

Getting help with your DUI case

A good doctor should never operate on herself, and a good lawyer should not represent himself in court. It makes even less sense for a non-doctor to operate on himself, and for a non-lawyer to represent herself in court.

If you are charged with impaired driving, you need a lawyer. There are no "ifs or buts." Whether you end up with a privately retained DUI attorney or a public defender, you will be much better off than if you try to represent yourself, as long as you know what to do, what to ask, how to behave, and what to expect of your DUI lawyer.

The articles in this section will give you a solid understanding of the nature of the attorney and clients roles in the DUI context. After you have reviewed these articles, you will be in the best possible position to:

  1. Evaluate any potential lawyer you may hire;

  2. Understand the fee structures that lawyers use;

  3. Communicate with your lawyer about your case;

  4. Resolve disputes and misunderstandings with your DWI lawyer;

  5. Make sure you get the most out of the professional you chose to help you with your case.

In addition to the valuable DUI attorney information found in the articles in this section, we highly encourage you to review the state section that applies to your case, as it contains location-specific information that will help you. Your local state bar association can also be an excellent resource when it comes to dealing with your DUI lawyer.

Illinois man arraigned on reckless homicide charges

Lake County, IL - Following a tragic May 23, 2009 accident that left a young man dead, the driver of the vehicle, Andrew Burkhardt, age 22, of Warren Township, Illinois, was arraigned on Wednesday. Mr. Burkhardt entered a plea of not guilty in the Lake County Circuit Court, and is scheduled to be tried on September 28th.

If convicted, Mr. Burkhardt faces a maximum of 14 years in state prison.

Burkhardt's alcohol level is reported to have been .124. He also, according to reports, had marijuana in his system, although it is unclear whether the State will be able to prove that the marijuana impaired his ability to drive.

He sustained facial injuries and was taken to a hospital in Park Ridge following the accident.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Baseball coach gets Texas DWI conviction

Dallas, TX - Augie Garrido, a popular Texas baseball coach, was convicted for drunk driving and sentenced to four days in jail by Judge Elisabeth Earle .

Because of this Texas DWI, Garrido also had his driver's license suspended for 90 days after the misdemeanor first-time offense and fined $500 .

Michael Burnett, Garrido's lawyer, said Travis County jail officials will decide how long to keep Garrido. The 70-year-old Garrido received two days' credit when he was arrested and could earn the other two days simply by getting processed.

The baseball coach has 1,679 victories and five national championships, including two with the Longhorns. He fell a game short of another title last month when Texas lost the deciding game of a best-of-three championship series to LSU.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Drunk Driving Penalties in other Countries

The names of the drivers are sent to the local newspapers and are printed under the heading "He's Drunk and in Jail".

The Driver is jailed and if married, his wife is jailed too

South Africa
A 10 year prison sentence and the equivalent of a $10,000.00 fine

Drunk drivers are taken 20 miles outside of town by police and are forced to walk back under escort

Three weeks in jail at hard labor, one year loss of license. Second offense within five years, license revoked for life.

Finland & Sweden
Automatic jail for one year of hard labor

Costa Rica
Police remove plates fron car

License revoked for life

One year suspension and a $250.00 fine and jail for one year

Three year loss of license, one year in jail and a $1000.00 fine

Jail, fine and forced to attend political lectures

A second conviction results in execution

El Salvador

Your first offense is your last---execution by firing squad


Reckless driving citation after snakes cause accident

Hartford, Connecticut - In the strangest recent driving related story in recent memory, a Connecticut man is blaming his SUV accident on his two baby pet snakes that he claims crawled out of his pocket and slithered down his leg.

Police didn't say if the man was mentally disabled or impaired by a mind-altering substance, but did say that instead of just pulling over, the man and his passenger tried to catch the snakes in the area of the vehicle's pedals.

According to the man, the snakes caused him to crash into some parked vehicles. His SUV overturned in the accident.

The man was hospitalized and given a ticket for reckless driving.

Now we all know that we face the brutal reality that in addition to drunk drivers, we now must come to terms with the reality that there may be more idiots driving around with snakes in their pockets.


Seattle Seahawk Schmitt pleads to reckless driving

Seattle, WA - Seattle professional football player Owen Schmitt has plead guilty to a reduced charge of reckless driving following his arrest for DUI laws month.

Mr. Schmitt was sentenced to 24 hours of community service along with two years on probation.

According to police reports, his alcohol level was registered at .151 and .161. The reason why there are two results is that in Seattle DUI cases, the police must take two separate breath test results. It is a well established fact that neither result must be exactly accurate.

The legal limit in for DUI in Washington state is 0.08, and a reduction to a reckless driving from an alcohol level as high as that reported in Mr. Schmitt's case is generally considered a very favorable plea agreement.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


DOES local or National law DUI apply

When Local DUI Law Controls

The individual rights guaranteed in the United States Constitution are federal rights that cannot be restricted by any state. Each individual state has the authority to expand those rights, however, and can give citizens more protection than the federal constitution. Think of the federal constitutional as a floor, not a ceiling, regarding your rights in a DUI case.

Because individual states have the authority to expand on federal rights, the protections regarding searches and seizures can differ depending on the state in which you get your DUI charge.

According to the Supremacy Clause in the U.S. Constitution (Article VI, Clause 2), when a federal law and a state law conflict, the federal law controls. States are required to follow applicable federal laws, and any state legislation or court decision that conflicts with federal legislation or rulings should not be followed.

When you talk about your DUI case, realize that the state law from that state is going to be most authoratative. This means that if you are in a Washington State DUI court, the judge will consider Washington State caselaw, statutes and administrative code first. As long as the answer to the issues in your DUI case is found within the laws of your state, judges will typically look no further (as long as the laws don't provide less protection to you than the federal constitution).

When Local DUI Law Is Not Clear: If the answer to the legal questions in your case are not found in the laws of your state, and the federal consitution doesn't apply to the issue, then judges can look at what other states have done about similar issues. For example, if you are charged with a DUI in Arizona it would be a mistake to look only at Arizona DUI law, as you may have an issue that Arizona law is not clear about. Washington State and California laws played a large part in forming Arizona's laws, so Arizona gives special deference to the laws of those states when interpreting the intent of the original drafters of Arizona Law.



Florida driver Suspected of DUI ran over pedestrian with truck

Land O’ Lakes, Florida - A pedestrian was seriously injured after being hit by a Ford pickup truck on State Road 54. The victim, 21-year old Dallas Young, failed to properly use a crosswalk and unsafely attempted to cross this busy highway during the dark, early morning hours.

The driver, 73-year old Maurice Bronsan, struck Young with his vehicle, lost control and crashed into a telephone pole. The victim is listed in critical condition at a St. Petersburg hospital. Bronsan was not injured in the crash.

According to the Florida State Trooper’s report, Bronsan exhibited signs of alcohol consumption. The driver refused sobriety testing and further blood alcohol testing.

The troopers arrested Bronsan on suspicions of DUI; charges of DUI with property damage, DUI with serious bodily injury and refusing to submit to a breath test. The Defendant posted $5,650 bond and awaits trial out of the Land O’ Lakes Jail.


Monday, July 27, 2009

rapper Eminem


Brother of rapper Eminem gets DUI

Detroit, MI - Nathan Mathers, the younger brother of rapper Eminem received a DUI in Detroit, Michigan. The arrest happened on April 9, 2009, when Mathers, who uses the stage name Nathan Kane, was pulled over for failing to let an ambulance pass.

Mathers failed field sobriety tests. His blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit of .080.

Mathers, currently 23 years old, is schedule to formally plead guilty on in August. He will receive his sentence at the same time, which is common in misdemeanor DUI cases.

We were unable to confirm whether the younger Mathers has any history of DUI or other criminal record.


Alexandria Virginia Police Chief arrested for DUI after accident

Arlington County, VA - Police Chief David Baker of Arlington, Virginia, was arrested Saturday evening after a vehicle collision led to drunk driving charges.

Baker was driving a city vehicle at the time and had a blood alcohol level of .19, which is more than double the Virginia legal limit of .08. He was placed on administrative leave pending the investigation and resolution of the matter.

The Alexandria city attorney's office will conduct an independent internal investigation. The review will determine the fate of Baker's employment, and could come within the week.

The accident happened around 11pm on Saturday in the area of I-66 and North Fairfax Drive. The accident occurred when Baker, who is listed as the at-fault driver in the police report, tried to merge onto the Interstate.

Initial reports indicate that the woman in the other vehicle was hospitalized, but that her injuries are not serious or life-threatening.

Baker will likely face misdemeanor DUI charges, which could include the loss of his license and fines, and potentially jail time. However, the biggest penalty will likely be either the loss of his job or the loss of public confidence. Chief Baker will have to get used to life after being a roll-model, and may have alcohol issues to deal with, as his high alcohol level may be indicative of an alcohol problem.

Baker, who enjoyed a track record and reputation as clean as anybody will also have to get used to being on the other side of a criminal prosecution. But it will be politics and personalities, rather than the law, which dictate whether the Chief will be able to move through this and still effectively do his job, or whether he will be cast out and branded forever like so many other DUI defendants before him.


India DUI statistics show contrast with United States

Mumbai, India - The Times Of India is reporting that 57 drivers were sent to jail on Monday for DUI. They were amongst the 118 drivers that were apprehended on Friday night.

Fifty of the cases were dismissed, and summons were issued in another eight of the cases.

Of those convicted, one person's driver's license was permanently canceled, while 52 had their licenses suspended for various periods of time. The jail sentences in all of the cases ranged from one to two days.

The swift disposition of cases in India is in stark contrast to DUI cases in most places in the United States, where due process dictates that most cases take anywhere from a month to a year to resolve. The jail time received in the example cases from India is also in stark contrast to states such as Arizona, where the average jail time for a first offense is somewhere around 10 days in jail.

Perhaps this is because, in India for calendar year 2009, fewer than 35,000 people have been arrested for DUI to the date of this article. In contrast, a state like Arizona will see more than that number in a single year with a tiny fraction of the population of India.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

links for dui Lawyers KANSAS



If you have been charged with DUI, Vehicular Homicide, Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, or any alcohol, traffic or drug offense, you need an experienced defense lawyer who will leave no stone unturned in your defense. This may be the most trouble you have ever been in and you are scared; worried about your family, your job, your license, your freedom, your future. Helping people navigate this situation is what I do. Let me help you shoulder the burden.

Leininger Law Offices is a criminal defense law firm in Overland Park, Kansas, serving Johnson, Douglas, Wyandotte, Leavenworth and Miami Counties and handling cases throughout Eastern Kansas. Attorney Brian Leininger has been handling DUI cases every working day since 1991 and almost certainly has more DUI training than the officer who arrested you. My years of experience began as an Assistant District Attorney and later City Prosecutor. Additionally, I spent nearly five years as General Legal Counsel to the Kansas Highway Patrol. I used to teach police officers how to make DUI and drug arrests. Now when I teach at seminars the topic is DUI defense and the audience is made up of other lawyers.

There was a time when DUI was a minor traffic offense. Take some time to browse around this web site and you will see that those days are long gone. Even a first-offense DUI invokes jail time, a harsh driver’s license suspension, high fines and an insurance increase or cancellation. Your friends and family may have told you to handle your case yourself or hire the cheapest lawyer you can find. They’re wrong. If you go to court by yourself you will be taking legal advice from the prosecutor, whose job it is to convict you and collect fine money for the city or state. And cheap lawyers are cheap for a reason. They are inexperienced, inept, or planning to spend as little time as possible on your case so it is worth their while.

Please explore this website to learn more about Kansas DUI law and the serious penalties you are facing. Contact me for a free consultation and we can sit down and discuss your situation. I have helped hundreds of people through the situation you are facing and I look forward to helping you.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Columbus Field Sobriety Test Lawyer DUI Attorney Ohio


Select the county where your DUI in Ohio occurred:
ButlerGalliaLickingPauldingVan Wert

Get Help From a Ohio DUI Lawyer or Attorney

If you have been charged with a DUI in Ohio (Driving Under the Influence), there are two things that you need to consider:

Take your drunk driving charge very seriously.
A conviction for a DUI in Ohio will have long lasting consequences. A criminal record can affect your employment, your future and your personal freedom.

Hire an experienced Ohio DUI Lawyer or DUI Attorney who is experienced in Ohio DUI law.
Understanding the Ohio DUI laws and courtroom proceedings can be a challenge. Hiring a qualified Ohio DUI attorney or lawyer from who's practice concentrates on drunk driving defense can make a difference in the outcome of your drunk driving charge. Again, for a Ohio DUI lawyers or attorneys, call 1-800-852-8005 or simply click the county above to find the right Ohio DUI attorney that really knows drunk driving defense and the Ohio DUI law.

Each Ohio DUI lawyer at offers an initial review of your drunk driving charge.Your inquiry is both free and confidential.

To begin fighting your drunk driving charge, use the list above to locate a Ohio DUI Lawyer in your county who knows the Ohio DUI laws. But do it now, as time is very critical in a DUI case.

Ohio's D.U.I. Laws


Administrative License Suspension (ALS)

  • If you are stopped for drunk driving and you refuse to take the sobriety test, or if your test results exceed the legal limit of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC), the officer can take your driver's license on the spot, and the suspension begins immediately.
  • Depending on previous offenses or refusals, you can have your license automatically suspended for a period of 90 days to five years.
  • The administrative suspension is independent of any jail term, fine or other criminal penalty imposed in court for a DUI offense.

Probationary License Suspension DUI (PD)

The PD will be triggered by a conviction record with an offense date greater than12/31/98, the driver is under the age of 18 at the time of the offense, with a BAC of .08% or above.

Length of Suspension: Six months.

Limited Driving Privileges: There is no provision in the law for driving privileges on this suspension.

You Have the Right to an Administrative Hearing: You are entitled to an Administrative Hearing on this matter;

Your request for a hearing must be made to this Bureau within thirty (30) days of the mailing date of the notice;

After the request is made, you will be notified of the time and place of the hearing. You may appear in person, or you may be represented by an Attorney;

The scope of the hearing is to present evidence and examine witnesses that can show cause why your driving privileges should not be suspended;

After the Administrative Hearing, the Hearing Office will send a recommendation to the BMV. You will be notified by mail.

Conditions for return of full driving privileges:

Serve six month suspension;

Successful completion of Juvenile Driver Improvement Course, approved by the registrar of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles;

Payment of $30 reinstatement fee;

Successful completion of driver license examination.

1st Offense:

  • Administrative License Suspension (ALS) for a prohibited BAC;
  • ALS for test refusal = one year license suspension;
  • Jail - Minimum of three consecutive days or 3-day driver intervention program;
  • Fine - Minimum $200 and not more than $1,000;
  • Court License Suspension - 6 months to 3 years.

2nd Offense:

  • ALS for one year for a prohibited BAC;
  • ALS for test refusal = two year license suspension;
  • Jail - Minimum of 10 consecutive days or five days jail + minimum 18 consecutive days of electronically monitored house arrest combined, not to exceed 6 months;
  • Fine - Minimum $300 and not more than $1,500;
  • Discretionary driver's intervention program;
  • Vehicle immobilization and plates impounded for 90 days;
  • Court License Suspension - 1 year to 5 years.

3rd Offense:

  • ALS for two years for a prohibited BAC;
  • ALS for test refusal = three year license suspension;
  • Jail - Minimum 30 consecutive days to one year;
  • Alternative sentence - 15 days or Jail + minimum 55 consecutive days of electronically monitored house arrest combined, maximum of one year;
  • Fine - Minimum $500 and not more than $2,500;
  • Mandatory attendance in an alcohol treatment program paid for by offender;
  • Vehicle immobilization and plates impounded for 180 days;
  • Court License Suspension - 1 year to 10 years.

4th or More Offense or Motor Vehicle Related Felony:

  • ALS for three years for a prohibited BAC;
  • ALS for test refusal = five years license suspension;
  • Jail - Minimum of 60 consecutive days and up to one year in jail;
  • Fine - Minimum $750 and not more than $10,000;
  • Mandatory drug/alcohol treatment program paid for by offender;
  • Vehicle Forfeiture - Mandatory criminal forfeiture of vehicle operated by offender, imposed by court;
  • Court License Suspension - 3 years to Permanent Revocation.


The court must hold the administrative license suspension hearing within five days of arrest. The appeal is heard at this initial appearance if requested. The scope of appeal is confined to four issues.

  1. Was the arrest based on reasonable grounds?
  2. Did the officer request the person to take a test?
  3. Was the violator made aware of the consequences if he/she refused or failed the test?
  4. Did the person refuse or fail the test?

NOTE: A court may still issue a suspension even if 1-4 is proven by defendant if court finds the person is a threat to public safety.


The court is authorized to order vehicle immobilization and impoundment of the license plates at the time of sentencing for:

Driving under DUI Suspension

  • First Offense: 30 days
  • Second Offense: 60 days
  • Third Offense: Forfeiture

FRA Suspension (without insurance)

  • First Offense: 30 days
  • Second Offense: 60 days
  • Third Offense: Forfeiture

Note: For multiple DUI offenders under suspension, the court may also impound the plates of any other vehicle owned by the offender.


First Offense: 30 days for state offenses only.


Permanent loss of vehicle shall be ordered by the court for any of the following which occurs within five years, except "3":

  1. Third offense of DUI
  2. Third offense or more of Driving Under FRA Suspension
  3. Second offense of owner knowingly permitting a person who is under suspension to drive their vehicle.
  4. First offense of driving a vehicle that is immobilized and plates impounded.

There is a provision for a court review to protect an innocent vehicle owner from a vehicle forfeiture or immobilization. If forfeiture occurs, offender cannot register or title any vehicle in his or her name for six years.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

new links for Arizona dui lawyers

Arizona Dui Lawyers

Comprehensive Arizona DUI Information


Your Case Matters To Us

You've been arrested for DUI. This is a stressful time in your life. You want honest answers, and you need somebody to fight for you.

Our goal is to meet or exceed your expectations in regards to your case, and to give you an honest and realistic picture of your rights, and your chances. Your best interests are our primary focus.

My name is Stewart Bergman. I want the chance to help you fight or resolve your Arizona DUI charge. My law firm focuses on defending impaired driving allegations throughout Arizona. I personally navigate, investigate, negotiate and, when necessary, litigate your case.

Arizona Drunk Driving Defense

To better serve you, we focus on a small number of clients and give them first class service and a complete and passionate defense. We are a well established, boutique law firm.

We Are Serious About Helping You

We take pride in representing our clients' best interests, and in winning. We concentrate on quality, not quantity, and have earned the trust of professionals in all areas, from doctors to lawyers, athletes to business owners, truck drivers to commercial pilots.


We will meet with you in our office. We prefer a face to face meeting because it is best way for both of us to get the best sense of your case and whether we have a match. If you are out of the area we will do the consultation telephonically. We can also arrange a web-cam video conference.

At the meeting we will do several things:

  1. Review the facts of your case. The more details we have, the better we can assess your DUI;
  2. We will identify and outline potential legal and factual issues in your case, including issues that might facilitate a dismissal or reduction in the charge, and that might save your license;
  3. We will go over the Arizona Law as it applies to your case, discuss the procedure in the specific court your case is in, and discuss the MVD process;
  4. We will go over all of your options with you, and discuss options that may become available as your case progresses;
  5. Supply you with a plan of action that best suits your case and your goals.


If you decide that you want us to fight for you and guide you through your case, we will file notices of appearance with the Court and the Prosecutor's office, and begin the serious and time sensitive process of investigating your case. We will also deal with the Arizona MVD on your behalf, including filing a request for an Administrative License Hearing if applicable.


  1. You can expect us to attend each and every court hearing with you, or appear for you in your absence.
  2. We will present all of your options, including any and every viable strategy that might apply.
  3. We will review the police report and chemical test reports with you in depth, and compare the officer's version to yours.
  4. We will advocate aggressively for you. You will benefit from the reputation that our office has established with courts and prosecutors offices in the Phoenix area in that they will know that we negotiate in good faith and back up our negotiations with exceptional trial skills, and a willingness to fight when necessary.
  5. Our first priority in negotiations is to get your best offers from the State on the table, and then, without alienating the prosecutor, give you an opportunity to consider your options with our input and support.
  6. We approach all parties with dignity and respect. We demand that the officers, the courts and the prosecutors treat our clients with respect, and we take the lead by setting an example. If you want a lawyer who will scream at prosecutors and bicker fruitlessly with judges, then we are not the right match for your case.
  7. We will be with you throughout your case. We are there to support you and make sure that you never have an answerable question that goes unanswered. We will return your phone calls and emails. In essence, we protect your interests, hold your hand and guide you from start to finish. After your case concludes, we are always still available for follow up questions.


Stewart Bergman has been admitted to practice law for 16 years. He has spent his entire legal career handling criminal cases. He started out as a prosecutor and has been a defense lawyer since 2001.

Stewart is experienced in all levels of criminal and DUI litigation, and has handled cases ranging from misdemeanor first offense driving under the influence to vehicular homicide. He is well respected by prosecutors and judges, and frequently called on by his peers to answer questions and solve problems regarding complex cases.

He is humble and approachable. And while he is not the stereotypical trial lawyer who pounds on tables and makes a scene, his more subtle approach makes him highly effective in both litigation and negotiation.

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