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Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Reckless driving citation after snakes cause accident

Hartford, Connecticut - In the strangest recent driving related story in recent memory, a Connecticut man is blaming his SUV accident on his two baby pet snakes that he claims crawled out of his pocket and slithered down his leg.

Police didn't say if the man was mentally disabled or impaired by a mind-altering substance, but did say that instead of just pulling over, the man and his passenger tried to catch the snakes in the area of the vehicle's pedals.

According to the man, the snakes caused him to crash into some parked vehicles. His SUV overturned in the accident.

The man was hospitalized and given a ticket for reckless driving.

Now we all know that we face the brutal reality that in addition to drunk drivers, we now must come to terms with the reality that there may be more idiots driving around with snakes in their pockets.

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