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Saturday, July 25, 2009


If you have been charged with DUI, Vehicular Homicide, Driving Under the Influence of Drugs, or any alcohol, traffic or drug offense, you need an experienced defense lawyer who will leave no stone unturned in your defense. This may be the most trouble you have ever been in and you are scared; worried about your family, your job, your license, your freedom, your future. Helping people navigate this situation is what I do. Let me help you shoulder the burden.

Leininger Law Offices is a criminal defense law firm in Overland Park, Kansas, serving Johnson, Douglas, Wyandotte, Leavenworth and Miami Counties and handling cases throughout Eastern Kansas. Attorney Brian Leininger has been handling DUI cases every working day since 1991 and almost certainly has more DUI training than the officer who arrested you. My years of experience began as an Assistant District Attorney and later City Prosecutor. Additionally, I spent nearly five years as General Legal Counsel to the Kansas Highway Patrol. I used to teach police officers how to make DUI and drug arrests. Now when I teach at seminars the topic is DUI defense and the audience is made up of other lawyers.

There was a time when DUI was a minor traffic offense. Take some time to browse around this web site and you will see that those days are long gone. Even a first-offense DUI invokes jail time, a harsh driver’s license suspension, high fines and an insurance increase or cancellation. Your friends and family may have told you to handle your case yourself or hire the cheapest lawyer you can find. They’re wrong. If you go to court by yourself you will be taking legal advice from the prosecutor, whose job it is to convict you and collect fine money for the city or state. And cheap lawyers are cheap for a reason. They are inexperienced, inept, or planning to spend as little time as possible on your case so it is worth their while.

Please explore this website to learn more about Kansas DUI law and the serious penalties you are facing. Contact me for a free consultation and we can sit down and discuss your situation. I have helped hundreds of people through the situation you are facing and I look forward to helping you.

1 comment:

  1. Driving under the influence of alcoholic beverages is regarded as to be one in the serious violations across the world. Most of the countries have serious consequence for this type of criminal offense, as whenever drunk and driving it may possibly result in incidents that injures other persons as well. In the event that when one is booked for drunken drive, the very best, the person can do would be to employ
    DUI Lawyers to save him.


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