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Monday, July 27, 2009


Alexandria Virginia Police Chief arrested for DUI after accident

Arlington County, VA - Police Chief David Baker of Arlington, Virginia, was arrested Saturday evening after a vehicle collision led to drunk driving charges.

Baker was driving a city vehicle at the time and had a blood alcohol level of .19, which is more than double the Virginia legal limit of .08. He was placed on administrative leave pending the investigation and resolution of the matter.

The Alexandria city attorney's office will conduct an independent internal investigation. The review will determine the fate of Baker's employment, and could come within the week.

The accident happened around 11pm on Saturday in the area of I-66 and North Fairfax Drive. The accident occurred when Baker, who is listed as the at-fault driver in the police report, tried to merge onto the Interstate.

Initial reports indicate that the woman in the other vehicle was hospitalized, but that her injuries are not serious or life-threatening.

Baker will likely face misdemeanor DUI charges, which could include the loss of his license and fines, and potentially jail time. However, the biggest penalty will likely be either the loss of his job or the loss of public confidence. Chief Baker will have to get used to life after being a roll-model, and may have alcohol issues to deal with, as his high alcohol level may be indicative of an alcohol problem.

Baker, who enjoyed a track record and reputation as clean as anybody will also have to get used to being on the other side of a criminal prosecution. But it will be politics and personalities, rather than the law, which dictate whether the Chief will be able to move through this and still effectively do his job, or whether he will be cast out and branded forever like so many other DUI defendants before him.

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