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Monday, July 27, 2009


India DUI statistics show contrast with United States

Mumbai, India - The Times Of India is reporting that 57 drivers were sent to jail on Monday for DUI. They were amongst the 118 drivers that were apprehended on Friday night.

Fifty of the cases were dismissed, and summons were issued in another eight of the cases.

Of those convicted, one person's driver's license was permanently canceled, while 52 had their licenses suspended for various periods of time. The jail sentences in all of the cases ranged from one to two days.

The swift disposition of cases in India is in stark contrast to DUI cases in most places in the United States, where due process dictates that most cases take anywhere from a month to a year to resolve. The jail time received in the example cases from India is also in stark contrast to states such as Arizona, where the average jail time for a first offense is somewhere around 10 days in jail.

Perhaps this is because, in India for calendar year 2009, fewer than 35,000 people have been arrested for DUI to the date of this article. In contrast, a state like Arizona will see more than that number in a single year with a tiny fraction of the population of India.

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